These reflections are a result of more than 40 years of ministry as a Roman Catholic priest. Most of these years I spent in the Diocese of Charlotte which covers Western North Carolina. Now I am retired, and live in Medellín, Colombia where I continue to serve as a priest in the Archdiocese of Medellín.

Upon their arrival in Antioch they called the assembly together and delivered the letter. When the people read it, they were delighted with the exhortation. (Acts 15:22-31)
Jesus said to his disciples: “This is my commandment: love one another as I love you.”
(Acts 15:22-31)
The happy conclusion and reception of the “Council of Jerusalem” reflects a much later period in the life of the early church when the ”Gentile question” had long since been resolved. What we do know from the letters of Paul is that James and the Jerusalem community continued to harass the Gentile Christians and Paul over keeping Jewish Law, especially in regards to circumcision. Perhaps for good reason the Lord keeps reminding us: Love one another.