These reflections are a result of more than 40 years of ministry as a Roman Catholic priest. Most of these years I spent in the Diocese of Charlotte which covers Western North Carolina. Now I am retired, and live in Medellín, Colombia where I continue to serve as a priest in the Archdiocese of Medellín.

Dear Family and Friends,

Here it is—the annual Christmas letter for 2022. It has certainly been an exciting year for the whole world. Even though we are not yet out of the Covid Pandemic, and for the most part people have abandoned mitigation efforts, I still wear a double mask whenever I go out and especially when celebrating Mass in the local parish.

The recent death of my good friend, Father Wilbur Thomas (1947-2022) has caused me to reflect on the wonderful ministry we shared together in Western North Carolina, and especially the 14 years we worked together at the Basilica of Saint Lawrence in Asheville. Wil was at my ordination to the priesthood and joined in the Laying on of Hands. Our frequent telephone calls usually lasted an hour. Our last call, less than two weeks before he died, we talked for two hours solid. Wil had the voice of an angel, and in that last call we talked about the night when as a young priest he was invited on stage to sing with the musical group, The Platters ( Although I don’t have a recording of Wil singing in that event, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the choirs of angels will be jealous forever! 

This year has been filled with visits with friends. Scripture says that “a faithful friend is a sturdy shelter, whoever finds one, finds a treasure” (Sirach 6:14). In early March we went to Cartagena and the Caribbean Coast of Colombia. We had a marvelous Holy Week and Easter celebration in my local parish where I help out. Afterwards, we visited Asheville for the First Communion of my godson, Emanuel Martínez, at the Basilica of Saint Lawrence. There were visits with lots of friends. From Asheville we made a quick trip to my hometown Mobile, Alabama, and visited with family there and with friends along the way. Then we headed to Detroit, Michigan, to visit with our friend, Susan Blanchard, and together with her we visited Niagara Falls and the Bavarian village of Frankenmuth, Michigan. We returned to Asheville for more visits with friends and then finally headed back to Colombia.

The longest adventure was our monthlong trip to the Middle East: Turkey, Egypt and the Holy Land. Standing in front of the pyramids and the Great Sphinx was awesome. And visiting the temples at Abu Simbel brought back memories of primary school when we raised funds to save those temples from being flooded due to the construction of the Aswan Dam. The Holy Land was a moving experience, especially the Wailing Wall, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, bathing in the Jordan River, and sailing on the Sea of Galilee. After a month traveling together, our fellow pilgrims became new friends.

As some of you might know, my doctors have discovered that I have an Atrioventricular Block (or AV Block) which causes a slow heart rate. The solution is a pacemaker. The pacemaker will be implanted here in Colombia on Thursday, December 29th. Thank you for your prayers!

I will be covering Saint Eugene Parish in Asheville from January 14-February 2. So, I hope to see many of you at Mass, weather permitting! May your Christmas and New Year be filled with the presence of the Prince of Peace. And may the Virgin Mary, good Saint Joseph, and the Christ Child bless you and all your loved ones!

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2023!

Morris & Óscar
Christmas, 2022