These reflections are a result of more than 40 years of ministry as a Roman Catholic priest. Most of these years I spent in the Diocese of Charlotte which covers Western North Carolina. Now I am retired, and live in Medellín, Colombia where I continue to serve as a priest in the Archdiocese of Medellín.

Thus says the LORD: For three crimes of Israel, and for four, I will not revoke my word; Because they sell the just man for silver, and the poor man for a pair of sandals. They trample the heads of the weak into the dust of the earth, and force the lowly out of the way . . . . Beware, I will crush you into the ground as a wagon crushes when laden with sheaves, says the LORD. (Am 2:6-10, 13-16)
Welcome to the summer of the prophets! In the weekday Masses we will be reading through the prophets until the end of August. Today’s reading is from the Prophet Amos. Amos was from the southern kingdom but preached in the northern kingdom. Amos attacks the false piety of the people and proclaims God’s love for the poor. As my seminary professor used to say, “When politics goes religious, the poor always suffer.”