Jesus liked meals. Meals form a great part of his ministry. It was within the context of a meal that Jesus gave us the sacrament of his Body and Blood. Here are Biblical references for some of the meals of Jesus in the New Testament.
Mark 2:13-17 He who eats and drinks with sinners
Matthew 9:9-13 The table of Matthew, the sinner
Luke 5:27-32 He who eats and drinks with sinners
Luke 15:1-3 He eats with and welcomes sinners
Luke 5:1-11 Fisher of men
John 2:1-12 The Wedding Feast of Cana
John 6:1-15 The multiplication of the loaves: 5,000
John 6:28-71 The Bread of Life Discourse
Matthew 14:13-21 The multiplication of the loaves: 5,000
Matthew 15:29-39 The multiplication of the loaves: 4,000
Mark 6:35-44 The multiplication of the loaves: 5,000
Mark 8:1-10 The multiplication of the loaves: 4,000
Luke 9:12-17 The multiplication of the loaves: 5,000
Luke 10:38-42 The home of Martha and Mary
John 12:1-11 The meal of Martha, Mary and Lazarus
Luke 7:36-50 The home of the pharisee, sinful woman
Luke 19:1-10 The home of Zacchaeus, the sinner
1 Cor 11:23-26 The Lord’s Supper
Mark 14:12-26 The Last Supper of Jesus
Matthew 26:17-30 The Last Supper
Luke 22:14-23 The Supper of the Lord
John 13:1-20 The Washing of Feet
Luke 24:13-35 The Breaking of the Bread
John 21:1-14 Breakfast by the sea
Revelation 19:4-9 The Wedding Feast of the Lamb
Acts 2:42,46 Disciples’ Breaking of the Bread