These reflections are a result of more than 40 years of ministry as a Roman Catholic priest. Most of these years I spent in the Diocese of Charlotte which covers Western North Carolina. Now I am retired, and live in Medellín, Colombia where I continue to serve as a priest in the Archdiocese of Medellín.

Responsorial Psalm (Psalm 136)
R.    His mercy endures forever.

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good,
 for his mercy endures forever;

Give thanks to the God of gods,
 for his mercy endures forever;

Give thanks to the LORD of lords,
 for his mercy endures forever.

R.    His mercy endures forever.

The Psalms teach us to sing God’s praises while recalling the great story of God’s salvation. The purpose of course is to remember so that we don’t forget.